
Women Engagement Boost in Technology

The project W.E.B in Tech aims to increase the employability of young women and mothers with migrant backgrounds (project’s target group) in the Third Sector and social entrepreneurship by improving their digital and communication skills (ICT). Specifically, the projects will address three main objectives:

  • Tailoring the ICT training programs provided by the lead organisation SOS Europa and the partner organisation Euro Mamme to meet the needs of the job market in the Third Sector. 
  • Enhancing the accessibility and appeal of the new ICT training program for young women and mothers with migrant backgrounds. 
  • Enroll 45 women with migrant backgrounds, aged between 23 and 29, who are in motherhood or family care situations, in the pilot program of training and career services. 

The impressive diffusion of social media and ICT has highlighted the strong and intrinsic desire for communication within contemporary society. This phenomenon has now permeated all levels of daily life, from the personal to the professional sphere. Starting from these considerations, the project W.E.B. in Tech intends to promote a set of skills and competencies starting from the personal needs and expectations of learners by directly engaging with the target group. 

The final goal will be to help the learners from the target group by offering them concrete job placement opportunities through career-service activities. 

Expected results: 

  • The new pilot program tested and adopted by all the beneficiaries.
  • The participants’ level of knowledges, skills and competences increased. 
  • The new training path promoted as learning model.
  • Occupability of the 45 learners increased.

Funding: 148,226.00  Eur