Location type
Transnational Calls
Social Innovation
Social Inclusion
Employment, Education, and Skills
Material Support
Migrant Integration
Advisory Board meetings
Past event
Living Independently in the Community: What Support Can Be Provided by ESF+?
Past event
The 9th ALMA network Meeting
Past event
Social Innovations for the Upskilling of Vulnerable Youth, Especially Young…
Past event
Meeting varying needs: how material support can be tailored to meet the diverse…
Past event
Study visit ‘Partnerships’ Ecosystem developed by Actiris’
Past event
‘ESF+ SI ecosystem, collaboration model between key stakeholders – analysis…
Past event
Mutual Learning Workshop for the
National Competence Centres
Past event
EURoma Network Meeting
Past event
5th ALMA Beneficiaries mutual learning event
Past event
Social Innovation Forum 2024
Past event
The 8th Plenary Session of the ALMA network
Past event
6th Migrant Integration CoP event: Responses to people fleeing Ukraine: What…
Past event
On-line workshop: ‘Assessing and measuring social innovation results and…
Past event
Follow-up Meeting with the NCCs subgroups assigned during the NCC beneficiaries…
Past event
Follow-up Meeting with the NCCs subgroups assigned during the NCC beneficiaries…
Past event
Second Info Session of the Call ‘Innovative Approaches Tackling Long-Term…
Past event
Follow-up Meeting with the NCCs subgroups assigned during the NCC beneficiaries…
Past event
Strengthening accompanying measures and their impact on families and children
Past event
Exploring Inclusive Solutions: Study Visit on Homelessness, Child Poverty, and…
Past event
The Online Matchmaking Platform for Applicants Under the Call “Innovative…
Past event
7th ALMA network Meeting
Past event
Study visit “Nobody is unemployable: the French Approach to Zero Long-Term…
Past event
National Competence Centres for Social Innovation (Beneficiaries of the 2023…
Past event
Matchmaking (partner search) sessions for Applicants under The Call…
Past event
Study visit “Scaling-up and Transfer: analysing the French Model”
Past event
Info session of the Call ‘Innovative Approaches Tackling Long-Term…
Past event
Unlocking Opportunities: Leveraging Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)…
Past event
Mutual Learning Workshop: Social Innovation calls, from preparation to project…
Past event
ESF+ for Integrated Pathways: Fostering Social Cohesion: Exploring the mutual…
Past event
Peer review on managing and financing cooperation between Public employment…
Past event
The 4th ALMA Beneficiaries meeting for mutual learning
Past event
The 6th ALMA network Meeting and a Joint Activity with the Beneficiaries of…
Past event
2nd virtual matchmaking for the Call ‘Innovative Approaches to Mitigate the…
Past event
Q&A session of the Call ‘Innovative Approaches to Mitigate the Societal…
Past event
Involving the target group: from decision-making to the provision of support
Past event
The interactive online session: Member Sharing of Practices Networking Session
Past event
Towards zero long-term unemployment in the EU: Job guarantees and other…
Past event
Workshop for the National Competence Centers to provide the necessary support…
Past event
Online matchmaking for the Call ‘Innovative Approaches to Mitigate the Societal…
Past event
Digital solutions for efficient delivery of material support
Past event
Info Session of the Call ‘Innovative Approaches to Mitigate the Societal…
Past event
Additional matchmaking (partner search) sessions for applicants under the Call…
Past event
Q&A Info session of the Call “Social Innovations for the Upskilling of…
Past event
Workshop for ESF+ Bodies on “How to manage and adapt ESF+ financial support…
Past event
The 3rd ALMA Beneficiaries meeting
Past event
The 5th Plenary Session of the ALMA network
Past event
Matchmaking (Partner search) sessions for Applicants under the Call “Social…
Past event
Migrant Integration CoP event: Advisory Group with Managing Authorities and…
Past event
Info session of the Call “Social Innovations for the Upskilling of Vulnerable…
Past event
Online Webinar: Connect Social Needs in ESF+ Programmes to the Offer from the…
Past event
Reviewing the Work Programme 2023-2024: Progress Update and Future Plans
Past event
A Future Built on Game-Changing Interventions
Past event
ALMA Beneficiaries Kick-off Event
Past event
The 4th ALMA network meeting
Past event
Study visit: how to target vulnerable youths
Past event
Bridging Communities in Times of Crisis: Providing Material Support for…
Past event
The 1st ALMA Beneficiaries meeting
Past event
The 3rd Plenary session of the ALMA network
Past event
Social Innovation Forum 2023
Past event
Competence Centres for Social Innovation Working Group Meeting
Past event
Innovative Approaches Promoting Social Inclusion: What Do They Look Like?
Past event
1st Plenary session of the Community of Practice on Migrant Integration
Past event
Info session of the call „National Competence Centers for Social Innovation:…
Past event
Voucher System Implementation
Past event
Online webinar: Overcoming obstacles to young adults in work-based learning and…
Past event
Round of consultations with the Managing Authorities
Past event
FEAD becoming a part of ESF+: new developments, opportunities and challenges
Past event
Competence Centres for Social Innovation working group – kick-off meeting
Past event
The 2nd ALMA Network Meeting
Past event
Meeting with Managing Authorities on Implementing Material Support Programmes
Past event
Peer Review on Outreach to Adults in Need of Basic Skills
Past event
EURoma Network meeting
Past event
Mutual Learning Lab session on ESF+ Social innovation calls
Past event
Peer Review on Target Indicators in the ESF+ Projects
Past event
Joint Consortia Event among European and National Competence Centers
Past event
Plenary session of the Community of Practice on Material Support
Past event
Peer Review on Outreach to (Vulnerable) Young Persons
Past event
Social Innovation Match (SIM) induction workshop
Past event
Mapping and Exploration Event on the subtheme of Community Living and…
Past event
Online event “Mapping and Exploration Event on the subtheme of Homelessness”
Past event
Online event “Mapping and Exploration on the Subtheme of Child Poverty”
Past event
Interactive online workshop “ESF+ programmes: Social Innovation in practice”
Past event
Online Information session for applicants regarding the ESF Social Innovation+…